Advertisement to the Second Edition


                                             TO THE SECOND EDITION.


       IT is necessary to explain the omission in the first edition of the 

Preface to the Vision of Judgment, as well as the cause of those 

mistakes, obviously too considerable for mere errors of the press, 

which are noticed in the errata. The fact is, that Mr. Murray the 

bookseller, who was to have been the original publisher of the Vision, 

sent the present publisher a copy not corrected by the author, and 

also wanting the Preface,—from which copy the first edition was 

consequently printed. It was not till after the First Number of 

the Liberal had appeared, that the Publisher was informed there 

was a Preface, and that the copy of the poem sent to him to print 

from, was not the proper one with the necessary corrections by the 

Author. The only mode left of repairing this mischief, was to 

print the Preface and the corrections for the poem in a Second 

Edition, which is now done, and would have been done sooner, 

but for the time lost,—first, in endeavouring (though unsuccess-

fully) to obtain the corrected copy, which had passed through the 

Author’s hands,—afterwards in procuring his corrections a second 

time from abroad. The reader need hardly be told, that the Au-

thor can with no more justice be held responsible for the mistakes 

in the first edition, than if his poem had been published at once 

from his MS. without the proofs being submitted to his revision. 

And it should be mentioned as aggravating the evil in this case, 

that the writings of the Author of the Vision of Judgment were 

mostly printed from the rough and only manuscripts—and that con-

sequently he relied on seeing the proof-sheets, in order both to 

correct the errors of the printer, and to make such alterations as 

more mature consideration might suggest. This circumstance 

made it a particular duty in the publisher to take every possible 

care of the proofs corrected by the Author, and especially to see 

that those proofs alone were followed in the final printing. 

        January 1st, 1823.


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